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"Meet Julien Le Dantec - Our first Salesforce Cloud Futura Solution Engineer."

We would like to congratulate Julien Le Dantec for becoming the first Nexell’s Salesforce Cloud Futura Solution Engineer. What is cloud Futura? The Cloud Futura Program allows Salesforce key specific partners to send one of their employees who will then become part of the Salesforce's solution engineer team, after a few month program and a certification, it will help them develop a close collaboration  to allow the acquisition of new customers and projects. Nexell chose Julien to become a member of the Salesforce solution engineers group. How does the program work? The program is spread over a few months and will give the participants a technical understanding of Salesforce to be able to create and give live demonstrations. It will provide prospects with a clear idea of their future solutions, through a story telling demo based on use case scenarios. The principal objective is to bring additional support in the pre-sales...

"A different approach to customer relationship"

Author: Steeve Seidel, Salesforce Consultant at Nexell GmbH Veni, Vidi, Vici These wise words were said by an emperor (Caesar) to explain how he won/conquered. What do they mean and why are they relevant? We do not want to conquer a project, but we do want to do our best on the project. We not only want a happy customer but we also want to win the project WITH the customer. As a consultant, I will never be able to vici (win or bring a project to its best completion) without having been by a customer (veni) or having understood the customer (vidi). "Veni" - part 1 First, to understand a person, you need to know him/her. How can you do this? Is a phone call enough? Honestly, I love working from home, but nothing - really nothing, including your beloved webcam - can replace a handshake and a coffee (or...

Swiss QR-Bill and payment slip, with salesforce and Formtitan - our client ZVB did it

Author: Julianne Teber, Salesforce Consultant at Nexell GmbH The time is here & the time is right. It’s perfect timing! Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe (ZVB) who is already using Salesforce’s Service Cloud for Case Management, wanted to enhance their system with one more App called “Incidents”. They are one of the first companies and especially the first FormTitan client using the new Swiss QR-Bill which went live at the end of June. All based on and FormTitan of course. First invoicing round was done July 1st, 2020. What is the App “Incidents” for? Why is it connected to QR-Billing?  As ZVB is a public transportation company, they send out their personnel to check if passengers are using public transportation means in the canton of Zug legally - which basically means, did they buy a ticket and the right ticket? As you know, there are people who get caught when they did not purchase...

Working with Salesforce experts in a post COVID-19 context

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Interview with John Sas, Founder of Nexell GmbH, first Salesforce partner in Europe since 2002John, tell us a bit more about Nexell.Nexell is a boutique type of business specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) and partnering with Salesforce for almost 20 years. We are a multilingual team of 25 people, all based in Switzerland, and our mission is to help our clients, businesses or nonprofits, to work differently from the inside so that they can make a difference on the outside.How did COVID-19 directly impact your business?Project-wise, some implementations have slowed down, others have continued as usual, but we have not seen any project brutally stopped in the middle because of a severe business slow down, which is really good news for us and for our clients. In terms of sales and business development, some new projects have been postponed / cancelled, for sure, but others have been accelerated because of...

Our Top 3 Salesforce Summer ‘20 Release Features

Author: Patrick Ernst, Salesforce Consultant at Nexell GmbH

Salesforce is clearly the best CRM tool in the market when it comes to boosting Sales efficiency, taking Marketing  to the next level and making the most out of your customer data.  

Just this June Salesforce was named again the leader in the Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for CRM Customer Engagement Center with no other competitor being able to challenge its completeness of vision and execution abilities.

Data migration: (7) mistakes to avoid

Author: Julien Le Dantec, Senior Consultant at Nexell GmbH

Migrating data from your legacy system(s) to Salesforce can be a bit of a bumpy road. While the platform can automate many tasks, no amount of Salesforce “magic” will replace your involvement during this phase. 

To help you avoid the many potholes along the way, we want to share a list of common pitfalls you could fall into and how to safely bypass them.

7 tips for acing your next Salesforce certification

If you are reading this article, it means that you are already thinking about becoming a Salesforce certified professional. But do you know why? Here are the 3 main reasons why people seek this certification:

NexellAngels zur Unterstützung von Körper & Geist!

Unsere NexellAngels fördern auch dieses Jahr wieder die Stiftung Special Olympics Schweiz und deren grossartige Initiative, Sport für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit Beeinträchtigung zu fördern. 

NexellAngels & Pro Juventute - Gemeinsamer Appell zum Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen während COVID-19

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Kinder und Jugendliche müssen Schutz finden können!  Zusammen sind wir stärker. Helfen Sie daher mit, und unterstützen Sie das Crowdfunding Projekt zum Schutz für Kinder und Jugendliche, eine grossartige Initiative unseres geschätzten Kunden Pro Juventute.  Mit dieser Kampagne sollen speziell in dieser turbulenten und verunsichernden Zeit der Quarantäne und Isolation während COVID-19 uneingeschränkt alle Kinder und Jugendliche umsorgt werden können - eine Zeit, die ein verstärktes Risiko, Angst und eine Bedrohung darstellt. ist für sie da.Die Bedürfnisse und Rechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen drohen in der aktuellen Corona-Krise weltweit sowie in der Schweiz in Vergessenheit zu geraten.Mit einem öffentlichen Appell fordert Pro Juventute den Bundesrat auf, bei allen Massnahmen im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus den Schutz der Kinder und Jugendlichen zu berücksichtigen und die in der UN-Konvention verbrieften Kinderrechte zu garantieren. Hier geht's zum Appell - jede Unterschrift zählt! Für uns bedeutet Solidarität nicht nur zu spenden, um ein Projekt zu unterstützen sondern auch, die Botschaft zu verbreiten, um so viele...

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